
the dirty secret: tamed

ok, so in my studio/guest room redo, it had to be first things first. i had to get a large shelf to put all my supplies on. my issues were 1) cost, 2) adjustability, and 3) placement in the room. there are a lot of weird nooks and crannies that make it sort of hard to put anything anywhere.

the futon i have in there is only the width of a double bed (54"), not even the length (75"). this is not a large room, my friends.

plus, i had the weird spot next to the door. i could either try to find shelving that was narrow and tall, meaning probably more expensive than the stuff that came standard, or i could get creative.

i decided to just get some shelving from my local hardware store, and call it a day. it was cheap, it was sturdy (we have it at work, so i knew), and it was totally adjustable.

what i got was wire shelving that fit basically where the current cart'o'junk sat, as it was the exact width of the wall to the door. it's a bit of a squeeze, to be honest. but MAN does it get the job done!

next up were a bunch of storage bins from ikea. i got two sizes, both in plastic, so i could write on them with a black crayon. i am not big on martha-style labels, simply because i am very lazy. if you're patient enough, they look bangin'. anyway, the small ones now hold my paints, and the big ones hold rags and all my 'etc.' supplies. i also got some magazine racks and this little beauty to sit on my desk and hold all my pens, mat knives, and small stuff. i am one organized puppy.

so now, depsite the shelf taking up a rather enormous amount of space in the room, i have walked in on 6 different occasions since reorganizing and put my hands on the thing i was looking for in under 30 seconds. this was WELL worth the money, and only took one night.

(p.s. that link i added of the martha organization? totally tooting my own horn. i interned at the magazine for a summer, and that's the photo from one of the shoots i worked on. it was a blast, and it looks AMAZING. go on, tell me how good i (and my bosses, i suppose) was...)

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